Employer Plans 雇主计划

1.Retirement Plans 退休计划

(1) For self-employed or business owner: If you are a self-employed individual or a small business owner, not large employers.
Simplified Employee Pension (SEP-IRA plan ) 
Saving Incentive Math Plans for Employee (SIMPLE IRA plan ) 
Solol 401(k) plan 
Keogh plan (a qualified retirement plan established by a self-employed individual or partnership). 
(2) If you are involved with a corporation, your business may have many employees 
 Simplified employee pension (SEP-IRA plan ) 
Saving Incentive Math Plans for Employee(SIMPLE IRA plan ) 
Profit-sharing plan 
Money purchase pension plan 
Employee stock ownership plans

2. Life Insurance Plans 人寿保险计划:

Buy-Sell Agreement ( for business owner) 

Please call for more detail and set up account. 347.463.1856