Product Highlights :
Guaranteed Universal Life (full underwriting) is a guaranteed universal life product allowing consumers to customize the length of the guarantee and premium
structure. The money in the policy grows at a minimum 2-4% and partial withdrawals are allowed after the first policy year. Provides very competitive dialed down guarantees for ages 90 through
Age last birthday
Maximum guarantee to age 120
Dial-a-guarantee (20 years up to age 120)
Catch up feature
Riders Included with the Policy
Accelerated Death Benefit Rider for Terminal/Chronic Illness
Waiver of Surrender Charges for Partial Withdrawals...........
Riders Available at an Additional Cost
Disability Rider
Guaranteed Insurability Rider
Accidental Death Benefit Rider
Dependent Children's Rider
Interest Rate: 2-4 percent
Maturity Age: 120
Partial Withdrawals: Available after the first policy year; fees apply
Loans: Available in years 2+; minimum loan amount is $100 (may not apply in all sates)
Five Good Reasons to Sell Guaranteed Universal Life
Provides level premiums to guarantee coverage for a specific number of years, up to lifetime.
Powerfully competitive premiums that rank among the top competitors
Competitive across a wide range of issue ages, most competitive at ages 50-70, Preferred Non Tobacco, Standard Non Tobacco and Standard Tobacco risk
classes, $500,000+
Still competitive in Preferred Plus and Standard Plus
Can backdate to six months to save age (three months in OH)
Great product features
Terminal and Chronic Illness Accelerated Death Benefit Rider*
Flexible no lapse protection period (20 years to age 120)
Provides very competitive dialed down guarantees for ages 90 through 100
You can talk to underwriters
Direct access to dedicated underwriters and full-time medical directors
Specializing in controlled impairments (later age of onset, compliance, stability, regular medical follow-ups)
*May vary by state.
Death Benefit Option: Level, Increasing , Return of