Universal Life (UL)

                                                              Free Quote   Buyer's Guide

Product Highlights :

Guaranteed Universal Life (full underwriting) is a guaranteed universal life product allowing consumers to customize the length of the guarantee and premium structure. The money in the policy grows at a minimum 2-4% and partial withdrawals are allowed after the first policy year. Provides very competitive dialed down guarantees for ages 90 through 100.



         Age last birthday

         Maximum guarantee to age 120

         Dial-a-guarantee (20 years up to age 120)

         Catch up feature


Riders Included with the Policy

  • Accelerated Death Benefit Rider for Terminal/Chronic Illness
  • Waiver of Surrender Charges for Partial Withdrawals...........

Riders Available at an Additional Cost

  • Disability Rider
  • Guaranteed Insurability Rider
  • Accidental Death Benefit Rider
  • Dependent Children's Rider

Interest Rate: 2-4 percent 

Maturity Age: 120 

Partial Withdrawals: Available after the first policy year; fees apply 

Loans: Available in years 2+; minimum loan amount is $100 (may not apply in all sates) 

Five Good Reasons to Sell Guaranteed Universal Life

        Provides level premiums to guarantee coverage for a specific number of years, up to lifetime.

  • Powerfully competitive premiums that rank among the top competitors
    • Competitive across a wide range of issue ages, most competitive at ages 50-70, Preferred Non Tobacco, Standard Non Tobacco and Standard Tobacco risk classes, $500,000+
    • Still competitive in Preferred Plus and Standard Plus
    • Can backdate to six months to save age (three months in OH)
  • Great product features
    • Terminal and Chronic Illness Accelerated Death Benefit Rider*
    • Flexible no lapse protection period (20 years to age 120)
    • ................
  • Provides very competitive dialed down guarantees for ages 90 through 100
  • You can talk to underwriters
    • Direct access to dedicated underwriters and full-time medical directors
    • Specializing in controlled impairments (later age of onset, compliance, stability, regular medical follow-ups)

*May vary by state.


Death Benefit Option: Level, Increasing , Return of Premium(ROP) 

Please call for more question @347.463.1856 and open an account