Description A term life insurance policy that offers competitive rates and compensation while providing level term insurance to age 95. Premiums are guaranteed to remain level for 10, 15, 20, 25 or 30 years and increase annually thereafter.
Easier Underwriting - Competitive age/amount requirements and criteria for preferred and super preferred classes
Conversion options to select cash value policies issued by an ING life insurance company without evidence of insurability .
Speed Quote Online Calculator enhanced to offer comparison option and printout capability.
Key Features
Rates fully guaranteed level for 10, 15, 20, 25 or 30 years and increase annually thereafter.
Guaranteed renewable to age 95, with attractive re-entry and conversion options
Accelerated Benefit Rider
Accidental Death Benefit Rider
Children's Term Rider
Waiver of Premium Rider (Disability)
Death Benefit Option : Level , Return Of Premium (ROP)