Auto Insurance

Personal auto insurance: 

The Personal Auto policy protects the vehicle owner and /or driver for legal liability arising out of the operation of the vehicle. The policy can also cover physical damage to the insured vehicle. 

The Personal Auto policy covers the liabilities arising from an accident that causes bodily injury or property damage to a third party. 

Physical damage to the insured vehicle is covered by the Comprehensive and Collision coverages, subject to deductibles. 

The policy also provides Medical Payments coverage for a third party’s injuries for which the insured has no legal liability  

More expensive vehicles will cost more to insure. Also, vehicles that are popular with auto thieves will carry a premium surcharge. 

Higher deductibles will lower the premium cost. Year, make, model, style, engine type, total horsepower, speed, length, and construction along with coastal counties impact the Personal Watercraft insurance premium. 

Co-owners living in a separate household from the insured could result in a surcharge. Auto and Watercraft accidents 


 ò Full  Tort / Limit  Tort 
 ò Liability Coverage ò Physical Damage Protection 
 ò Personal Injury Protection/Medical Coverage 
 ò Comprehensive Coverage 
 ò Uninsured Motorist Protection 
 ò Underinsured Motorist Protection 
 ò Rental Car ("Loss of Use") 
 ò Audio, Visual and Customized Equipment 
 ò Loan and Lease Coverage 
 ò New Vehicle Replacement Coverage 
 ò Roadside Assistance 
 ò Waiver of Adjustment for Depreciation or Betterment 
 ò Electronic Lock/Key Replacement Deductible Waiver 
 ò Emergency Expenses 
 ò Personal Property Coverage 
 ò Uninsured Motorist Property Damage Deductible Waiver 
 ò Non-Owned Trailer Coverage violations, along with ages of all operators also impact the premium.

Please call for any question 347.463.1856